



刊·见 | Taylor & Francis旗下JCR Q1期刊,原宥性别、生养与健康


本期刊·见为诸君先容性健康与生殖健康学规模期刊Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters。除了对期刊进行详备的先容外,还向您先容刊内近三年高被引著作,以及近一年高阅读著作:

生殖赋权与避孕自我照料:系统综述 数字寰球中的性与生殖健康权柄及身体自主权 性健康劳动和信息获取的法律步履:本色、保护与罢休

Online ISSN:2641-0397

Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters是一册经同业评审的跨学科期刊,勤劳于于探讨性健康与生殖健康与权柄(SRHR)规模出现的新兴议题、被冷漠问题和边际化的声息。本刊发表原创著作和前沿研究,尤其是从女性主义视角启航的研究后果,为制定计谋、法律和劳动提供信息解救,以杀青并兴隆各个年岁段、性别招供和性取向的个体的性与生殖健康的权柄和需求。

该期刊涵盖的主题包括但不限于:远隔妊娠、生养限度、避孕措施、女性生殖器切割、艾滋病病毒感染过甚他性传播感染、东说念主乳头瘤病毒 (HPV)、孕产妇保健、东说念主说念主义环境下的 SRHR、基于性别的暴力以过甚他体式的东说念主际暴力、青少年群体、性别与性作为、性权柄及性愉悦等。

Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters迎接来自社会科学和东说念主文科学、作为科学、寰球卫生、东说念主权和法律等各个规模的投稿。期刊领受的研究法子包括但不限于定性和定量分析,如计谋分析;寰球卫生和卫生系统研究的综正当子;经济学、政事学和历史分析,以及专注于SRHR的流行病学研究。

该期刊已被SSCI, Scopus, DOAJ, CABI, EMBASE, Medline, PubMed数据库收录。


笔据JCR显露,Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters



笔据Scopus显露,Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters

2023年CiteScore为4.0 2024年CiteScore Tracker为4.2


生殖医学排行34/90 妇产科学排行71/209



大类及分区:医学2区 小类及分区:寰球卫生、环境卫生与业绩卫生2区



Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters给与研究著作、研究决策、综述著作、圆桌商议、批驳、不雅点著作、书架推选著作。


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Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters的主编由国外东说念主权讼师Eszter Kismödi担任。期刊的副主编团队由好意思国、澳大利亚、瑞典和坦桑尼亚的研究东说念主员构成,剪辑委员会的研究东说念主员来自全球各地的高校和国外机构。


Eszter Kismödi

Eszter Kismödi是别称国外东说念主权讼师,主要研究规模包括性、性健康、生殖健康和权柄以及性别万般性。她曾活着界不同地区从事法律和计谋制定、宣传和揣度职责,包括东欧和中亚、非洲、东南亚和拉丁好意思洲。Eszter Kismödi曾担任商酌国机构的高档参谋人,包括商酌国艾滋病揣度署、商酌国遗民署、商酌国成立主见署和商酌国东说念主权高专办,以及国外组织,如寰球性健康协会和国外非政府组织。


笔据JCR显露,近三年在Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters发文的国度中,发文前三的国度/地区有好意思国、英国、印度。

近三年,在Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters发文的全球高校和科研机构中,发文数目排行前三位的是寰球卫生组织、伦敦大学、商酌国东说念主口基金。



作家:Holly M. Burke et al


Contraceptive self-care interventions are a promising approach to improving reproductive health. Reproductive empowerment, the capacity of individuals to achieve their reproductive goals, is recognised as a component of self-care. An improved understanding of the relationship between self-care and empowerment is needed to advance the design, implementation and scale-up of self-care interventions. We conducted a systematic review of the peer-reviewed and grey literature published from 2010 through 2020 to assess the relationship between reproductive empowerment and access, acceptability, use or intention to use contraceptive self-care. Our review adheres to PRISMA guidelines and is registered in PROSPERO (ID CRD42020205235). A total of 3036 unique records were screened and 37 studies met our inclusion criteria. Most studies were conducted in high-income countries, were cross-sectional and had high risk of bias. Almost half included only women. Over 80% investigated male condoms. All but one study focused on use of self-care. We found positive relationships between condom use self-efficacy and use of/intention to use condoms. We found similar evidence for other self-care contraceptive methods, but the low number of studies and quality of the evidence precludes drawing strong conclusions. Few studies assessed causal relationships between empowerment and self-care, indicating that further research is warranted. Other underexplored areas include research on power with influential groups besides sexual partners, methods other than condoms, and access and acceptability of contraceptive self-care. Research using validated empowerment measures should be conducted in diverse geographies and populations including adolescents and men.



作家:Rajat Khosla et al.


Digital technologies can have a transformational impact on health and lives of people, particularly those who are structurally discriminated against in different ways, such as by improving access to health information and data and improving diagnostic services. Technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) has great potential to help women, girls and gender-diverse people take better control of their health, bridging gaps in access to health-related information and education by providing timely, accurate, personalised answers to health questions. This could be a game-changer, especially in settings where certain health issues such as sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are still considered taboo.

But it is now widely recognised that AI and digital technologies are neither inherently empowering nor sexist; they reflect the values of their contexts and creators. For example, the rapid adoption of digital technologies aimed at increasing efficiency of health care delivery has led to increased inequities and inequalities in health care resources in some contexts.Citation1 There is grave concern that the Internet is being weaponised to silence and target women’s, girls’, and queer voices. For example, a 2021 study revealed that 73% of women across the globe have experienced some form of online violence on Twitter,Citation2 and a 2023 study revealed that 20% of respondents who identified as transgender or gender-diverse and experienced tech-facilitated violence also reported severe impacts to their mental health including their desire to live.Citation3,Citation4 Evidence points towards distinct geographic, economic, and social gaps in design and access to these technologies, including those related to gender, disability and race.Citation5,Citation6 For example, male (or family/community) gatekeepers often control or restrict access to devices and the internet.Citation7 Several studies report these restrictions to be greater for younger women and girls.Citation8,Citation9

The Internet has the potential to make health-related information more accessible. However, in the context of health services such as abortion, the level of misinformation has been described as the “next infodemic”Citation10 and questions have been raised about the role of social media platforms in propagating it.Citation11

Recent data from the United States reveals that telehealth interventions, including “digital abortion clinics” that connect patients with health care providers, have been effective in increasing access to abortion care in remote areas, and where it is criminalised.Citation12 However, a 2022 investigation revealed that Hey Jane – a US-based online abortion pill provider – used tracking tools that passed along user information to Meta, Google, and other companies.Citation13 Restrictive policy regimes that impair access to health care for women and gender-diverse people translate into the digital space, leading to an increase in surveillance and inhibiting access to services such as safe abortion.

This commentary examines the challenges and implications for SRHR and bodily autonomy in a digital world and highlights the critical knowledge and policy gaps to be addressed to ensure that the transformational potential of technology reaches those who need it the most while safeguarding their human rights.


作家:Laura Ferguson et al.


Access to sexual health services and information is critical to achieving the highest attainable standard of sexual health, and enabling legal environments are key to advancing progress in this area. In determining overall alignment with human rights standards to respect, protect, and fulfil sexual health-related rights without discrimination, there are many aspects of laws, including their specificity and content, which impact which sexual health services and information are availed, which are restricted, and for whom. To understand the nature of existing legal provisions surrounding access to sexual health services and information, we analysed the content of 40 laws in English, French, and Spanish from 18 countries for the specific sexual health services and information to which access is ensured or prohibited, and the non-discrimination provisions within these laws. Overall, there was wide variation across countries in the types of laws covering these services and the types and number of services and information ensured. Some countries covered different services through multiple laws, and most of the laws dedicated specifically to sexual health addressed only a narrow aspect of sexual health and covered a small range of services. The protected characteristics in non-discrimination provisions and the specificity of these provisions with regard to sexual health services also varied. Findings may inform national legal and policy dialogues around sexual health to identify opportunities for positive change, as well as to guide further investigation to understand the relationship between such legal provisions, the implementation of these laws within countries, and relevant sexual health outcomes.

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